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Integral Philosophy

Tony has over the last 50years been influenced through the practise and study of a number of different disciplines both from the East and the West. He has found Integral Philosophy or Meta-Theory the most suitable epistemological framework for integrating and underpinning his experience to date, as well as helping in shaping his ongoing development.

Integral Philosophy (IP) is an ongoing attempt to bring together and harmonise, a number of different disciplines and ideological frameworks which have often been in tension. IP is an attempt to bring greater harmony/balance/dialogue between the ideas/practises of East and West, Science and Religion/Spirituality, Pre-Modern, Modern and Postmodern worldviews in their healthy dimensions and of course the Interior and Exterior dimensions of reality (See Integrated practises section). It also includes and emphasises the importance of Personal Development/Cultural Evolution and the power of the Shadow or Unconscious in Human Behaviour and Consciousness. Personality Types and a wide variety of developmental lines are included in the IP framework.

Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality (IPS) , an outcrop group of the Integral Community, most expresses Tony’s philosophy, particularly about the Spiritual or Transpersonal dimensions. IPS emphasises the provisionality of beliefs not just those concerning Spirituality:  IPS emphasises   ......a type of unknowing that is not so much about discarding obsolete beliefs as discarding obsolete certainty or fixation upon beliefs……. (Murray 2019)

Tony's core relevant training/qualifications/registrations

Internationally Accredited Final Stage Practitioner & Teacher/Trainer of Buddho: Reiki Jin Kei Do/Buddho EnerSense(Final Stage) (1998-2013)

MA Transpersonal Arts and Practise (2004)

Tai Chi Union of Great Britain  - Advanced Instructor.   

Gradings (Professor Li Deyin) in Tai Chi 42 Step (1993), 88Yang Long form (2007) and 56 Yang Straight Sword (2009).

Practise Soto Zen Meditation (3yrs Mid 90's)

Trainings in Health Qigong with British Health Qigong Association 2010.

Three Treasures School of Chinese Medecine – Diploma in Medical Qigong and Tuina (Chinese Massage) (2011).

Premium Member of Integral Life.

Post Grad.Cert. Education of Adults.

Short Distant Trainings since 2014 Integral Theory Online Trainings- Superhuman OS, Full Spectrum Mindfulness, The Religion of Tomorrow.

Online Study of Dream Yoga with Andrew Holocek and Dream Yoga retreat with Lhama Allan Wallace (2019)

Certificates, Stages International-  a) Off the Map&  Into the territory (Developmentally Informed Meditation Programme) (2020)

b) Frontiers of Consciousness: Unfolding the Four Metaware Stages.  (2020)

Other Life Experiences/Practises/Trainings

Practise/Teaching of Shotokan Karate (Black Belt 3rd Dan1970-1985). Mental Health Nursing & State Registration(Retired) 1971-1987. Trained Psychodynamic Nurse Therapist(83-84). Lecturer Bournemouth University 1990-2007 Health Care Social/Behavoural/Therapeutic Science/Communication Skills. Trained Dramatherapist Mid 1990’s-2000(Registration/Retired). BA Social and Behavioural Sciences early 1990’s. Training in Tai Chi/Chi Kung with teacher Keith Allker (including 3years of teaching with supervision) 1988-1994.               Training in Tai Chi with Professor Li Deyin (2006-9).

Personal Therapy (between mid 1980’s-mid 90’s). Supportive crisis Therapy. Group Analysis (1yr) Jungian Analysis (3yrs) Psychodrama (200hrs) Dramatherapy (1year)  Naikan Therapy Retreat (1 week a form of Buddhist Psychotherapy)

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